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Showing posts from September, 2022

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Facebook Doesn't Have This Feature Yet and It's Annoying

Ugh, Facebook does not yet have a feature to add or remove a post from an album. So posts that are in an album will remain in the album, we cannot remove them, the same goes for posts outside the album. This is so annoying for me. The most we can do is move posts that contain photos from one album to another, that is if there is only one photo, if there are more, we can't. So there will be a lot of misclassification if it's like this. I have misclassified many of my posts, it sucks. I have tried several times to move some posts from some albums to another but these posts contain more than one photo. I tried deleting the other photos, leaving only one so it could be moved, when I tried the post disappeared but the photo was moved. I don't like it. Because the post disappeared, the reactions and comments are lost, they will not be moved to the photo. I don't like it when reactions and comments disappear. 

Field of Faculty of Engineering of Sam Ratulangi University

Field of Faculty of Engineering of Sam Ratulangi University, Bahu Sub-district, Malalayang District, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. This photo was taken on Friday, 29 July, 2022 at 13:29 with Samsung Galaxy A10s. This photo was taken on Friday, 29 July, 2022 at 13:29 with Samsung Galaxy A10s. This photo was taken on Friday, 29 July, 2022 at 13:29 with Samsung Galaxy A10s. This photo was taken on Friday, 29 July,2022 at 13:30 with Samsung Galaxy A10s. This photo was taken on Friday, 29 July, 2022 at 13:32 with Samsung Galaxy A10s. This photo was taken on Friday, 29 July, 2022 at 13:32 with Samsung Galaxy A10s. This photo was taken on Friday, 29 July, 2022 at 13:32 with Samsung Galaxy A10s. This photo was taken on Friday, 29 July, 2022 at 13:33 with Samsung Galaxy A10s. This photo was taken on Friday, 29 July, 2022 at 13:34 with Samsung Galaxy A10s. The photos in this article were first published on Google Maps on Thursday, 22 September, 2022. Source/Reference

My Old Drawing about Integration of Papua in Indonesia

This is my old drawing, I drew this in 2018. The theme of this drawing is about the integrity of Papua in Indonesia. At that time I think Papua must be integrated in Indonesia but now I don't think so. This photo was taken on Friday, 29 July, 2022 at 00.16 with Samsung Galaxy A10s in my mother's house. The Indonesian government shouldn't force the people of Papua to obey the nationality doctrine from Jakarta. For our current world, nationality and is not really important and we have to encourage internationality. I think the special autonomy for Papua given by the Indonesian central government has 'failed'. The government (led by Joko Widodo) is focused on infrastructure development in Papua but the government seems to have forgotten or deliberately forgotten the development of the quality of its human resources. Maybe infrastructure is only useful for investors who want to gain access to economic resources in Papua. Anthropologically, New Guinea (including West Pap

Lobby of Faculty of Economics and Business of Sam Ratulangi University

Lobby of Faculty of Economics and Business of Sam Ratulangi University, Bahu Sub-district, Malalayang District, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. This photo was taken on Friday, 29 July, 2022 at 13:55 with Samsung Galaxy A10s. This photo was taken on Friday, 29 July, 2022 at 13:58 with Samsung Galaxy A10s. This photo was taken on Friday, 29 July, 2022 at 14:03 with Samsung Galaxy A10s. This photo was taken on Friday, 29 July, 2022 at 14:00 with Samsung Galaxy A10s. This photo was taken on Friday, 29 July, 2022 at 14:00 with Samsung Galaxy A10s. This photo was taken on Friday, 29 July, 2022 at 14:01 with Samsung Galaxy A10s . This photo was taken on Friday, 29 July, 2022 at 14:01 with Samsung Galaxy A10s. This photo was taken on Friday, 29 July, 2022 at 14:02 with Samsung Galaxy A10s . This photo was taken on Friday, 29 July, 2022 at 14:02 with Samsung Galaxy A10s. This photo was taken on Friday, 29 July, 2022 at 14:02 with Samsung Galaxy A10s . These photos were first published on my

A Bible that I Borrowed from my Friend and I Haven't Returned It Yet

This is my friend's Bible. I borrowed this from her in 2020. Her name is Viona Runturambi, a student in State Vocational High School 9 Manado, next to my high school, State High School 6 Manado (we're in the same yard). This photo was taken on Sunday, 28 August, 2022 at 16:48 with Samsung Galaxy A10s in my boarding house. When I was in the grade 10 she was in the grade 11. When I went back to school after more than a year of quarantine, she has finished school. Until now I have not returned her Bible to her. I don't know where to find her now. This photo was taken on Sunday, 28 August, 2022 at 16:48 with Samsung Galaxy A10s in my boarding house . Yeah, I'm having a Bible but it doesn't mean that I'm a Christian, no. I'm irreligious actually, I borrowed her Bible because I was so excited at that time to study more about this. These photos were first published on my Instagram on Monday, 29 August, 2022. Source/Reference

[Mie Sedaap Selection] Mi Instan Kuah Rasa Laksa Pedas Ala Singapura

Hari ini pertama kalinya aku nyoba mi ini. Sebenarnya aku gak mau beli mi hari ini. Aku lagi belanja kondisioner sebenarnya dan ketika aku jalan di rak mi di Alfamart aku lihat mi ini dan kebetulan aku belum nyoba rasa yang ini jadi aku beli deh.  Foto ini diambil pada Sabtu, 24 September 2022 pada jam 16:05 dengan Samsung Galaxy A10s di kost saya. Foto ini diambil pada Sabtu, 24 September 2022 pada jam 16:07 dengan Samsung Galaxy A10s di kost saya. Foto ini diambil pada Sabtu, 24 September 2022 pada jam 16:03 dengan Samsung Galaxy A10s di kost saya. Komposisi Foto ini diambil pada Sabtu, 24 September 2022 pada jam 16:03 dengan Samsung Galaxy A10s di kost saya. Tepung terigu Minyak nabati (mengandung antioksidan TBHQ) Pati tapioka Gula Garam Krimer minuman (mengandung susu ) Bubuk cabe (2,41%) Rempah Penguat rasa (monosodium glutamat) Bawang bombai Bubuk udang Bawang putih Perisa alami Ekstrak ragi Pengatur keasaman Perisa sintetik Bubuk bawang bombai Pengental nabati Bawang merah Pen

An Old Payphone of Faculty of Engineering of Sam Ratulangi University

An old payphone that no longer works of Faculty of Engineering of Sam Ratulangi University, Bahu Sub-district, Malalayang District, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. This photo was taken on Friday, 29 July, 2022 at 13:28 with Samsung Galaxy A10s. This photo was first published on my Instagram on Tuesday, 6 September, 2022. Source/Reference