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Facebook Doesn't Have This Feature Yet and It's Annoying

Ugh, Facebook does not yet have a feature to add or remove a post from an album. So posts that are in an album will remain in the album, we cannot remove them, the same goes for posts outside the album. This is so annoying for me. The most we can do is move posts that contain photos from one album to another, that is if there is only one photo, if there are more, we can't. So there will be a lot of misclassification if it's like this. I have misclassified many of my posts, it sucks. I have tried several times to move some posts from some albums to another but these posts contain more than one photo. I tried deleting the other photos, leaving only one so it could be moved, when I tried the post disappeared but the photo was moved. I don't like it. Because the post disappeared, the reactions and comments are lost, they will not be moved to the photo. I don't like it when reactions and comments disappear. 

Why I Hate People Who Locked Their Accounts on Facebook

Maybe I didn't provide enough context in my previous post where I said that I hate people who lock their profiles or accounts on Facebook. I have no problem with people locking their profiles but hopefully it's for a good reason not for a bad reason. I understand that it's part of their privacy but it's risky. That raises some questions about security. If you want to send them friend requests, that should be questioned by them, and if they want to send you friend requests, that should be questioned by you. In some social networking services (SNS) with a friending system like Facebook, we can't just befriend someone, especially if they are strangers (without at least one mutual friend). We have to know who they are based on their public information before we accept their request. I have received friend requests from people like that a few times in the past and because they were fake accounts I unfriended them. Not to be racist, some of them were perverted ahh Indian

We Could Be A Leftist and A Rightist at The Same Time

What a strange time when what we called the left was not on the left, the right was not on the right, and the centre was not on the centre. However, this is how politics should be understood and work. Politics must be all encompassing, for everyone, for the common good. The political spectrum is important, it is useful for classifying and determining our political positions. However, it cannot be rigid. Each corner of the political spectrum is not rigid and completely separate from the others. Hence why there are many models of this. People can be on the 'left' or on the 'right' in looking at certain things. Too many variables are needed to truly determine an individual's political position. Most people see other people's political positions only superficially, they only see what they see, just on the surface. So, it shouldn't matter if people accuse you of being leftist or rightist. Even so, it is still potentially dangerous. I personally avoid any politica

For Hardline Communists and Marxists Who Don't Like Me Because of My Views Against Revolution

Those people, especially hardline communists and Marxists, who always talk about revolution or the necessity of carrying out a revolution, are like children. Like a child jumping on a chair and shouting "Revolution, revolution, revolution". If their purpose in carrying out a revolution is only to overthrow capitalism and realize socialism, it would be better for them not to do that. They think revolution is the only way, so dogmatic. There is no urgency at all to carry out a revolution. The revolution will happen if it has to happen. Social conditions determine a revolution to occur, and if a revolution occurs it must be final and truly change society. Revolution is not viable for now and day by day it becomes less and less relevant. Socialism is an inevitability and it does not have to be realized through revolution. Socialism can be realized through many reforms and system improvements. This includes of what I call a revision of capitalism, which makes capitalism softer and

New Layout for My Tumblr Blog (2024)

New layout for my Tumblr blog! The new header photo or cover photo is the New York City skyline and the new profile photo is photo of Sayoko Yamaguchi. I changed the blog color from #281920 to #66023C. I changed this last month, April 2024.    Maybe I will use this photo of New York City skyline with the Twin Towers of World Trade Center in 1970s as the header of my Tumblr blog for a long time, maybe for several years. I also use this photo as the header photo for my other social networks now. Ah, last year in November 2023 I posted that I wanted to create a new Tumblr blog in October 2023 because I was tired of the concept of a first blog or a second blog. So I didn't make it. In the end I just used my second Tumblr blog as my only Tumblr blog until now for various purposes. Follow me on Tumblr! New Layout       Old Layout     The screenshots in this article were taken on Saturday, 2 March, 2024 and Tuesday, 23 April, 2024 from Samsung Galaxy A10s and my sister's laptop and fi

You Know, I Still Use Myspace

Yes, that's right, I still use Myspace and I will continue to use it until the website is no longer accessible. Actually, I was too young to experience Myspace, I was still very, very young in the heyday of Myspace. Many people think that Myspace is dead but the website is technically still active, I often post words or links on my profile . However, I can't post pictures or videos, it will say "uploads are temporarily disabled". I can't even upload a photo for my profile picture.    Myspace was a great social networking site back then but now it's almost defunct. This current version of Myspace is like a text storage site for me. I know that no one gonna see my posts there and that's good, you don't have to do what I do. I signed up for Myspace in January 2022.   The screenshot of my profile on Myspace, 27 February, 2024. As you can see, I often post words or links there. Just hope this website will be better in the future, the website needs a lot of

Thank You for 300+ Followers on My Instagram

Okay, more than 300 followers, on both of my Instagram accounts. It's been a long time since I posted my Instagram followers, if I'm not mistaken two years ago. I think it would be great if Instagram add header feature like on Facebook or Twitter. I think I'm gonna archive some posts from my main Instagram because...I just don't really like it. I always try to make my Instagram account look aesthetic but it's kind of hard since I always think "at least it has been posted". But still, I care about the aesthetic side a lot.   The screenshots in this article were taken from Samsung Galaxy A10s on Tuesday, 23 January, 2024 and first published in this article.

Thank You for 600+ Followers on My Twitter

Look at the number of my followers on Twitter, more than 600 followers. Throughout this year it has only been around 600 and rarely goes up. Ahahaha, I'm also rarely active on Twitter this year. I have turned on the professional mode a few days ago, I've been trying to apply for a long time but I always couldn't and now I can. I will not subscribe to the premium version of Twitter, it's weird. I still call it Twitter instead of X. Elon Musk sucks, he has ruined Twitter, I don't like it. Just hope that he will leave Twitter later. Bring back the blue bird of Twitter! The screenshot in this article was taken from Samsung Galaxy A10s on Sunday, 24 December, 2023 and first published on my Instagram on 24 December, 2023.

New Layout for My SpaceHey Profile (2023)

Look at my new profile layout on SpaceHey! It's so cool! I've wanted to change it for a long time, only now I changed the layout. I haven't changed it since I created my account on SpaceHey last year. Customizing the layout means dealing with CSS and that's a lot of fun. It's been a long time since I modified CSS. Here are the screenshots of my profile (before and after I change the layout). Desktop/laptop View Smartphone View The screenshots in this article were taken on Saturday, 7 October, 2023 and Wednesday, 11 October, 2023 from my mother's desktop and from Samsung Galaxy A10s  and first published in this article.