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Showing posts from April, 2023

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Yulia Tymoshenko is My Only Favourite Ukrainian Politician

When talking about Ukraine, In particular Ukrainian politics, I will always remember Yulia Tymoshenko, the former Prime Minister of Ukraine (2005, 2007-2010). I like her, not primarily because of her politics but because of her iconic beautiful blonde hair, very attractive. I love her crown braid hairstyle, it's wrapped around the top of her head. She and her hair are inseparable, making her appearance very recognizable in Ukrainian politics. She knows how to be a politician and also a fashion icon at the same time, I like it (I want that too hehe). Just look at how thick her braids are, they definitely need special care. She is like a queen, her braid is like a tiara on her head. She is originally a brunette but then she changed her hair to blonde, becoming like an angelic figure. I need to learn how to do her hairdo. Apart from her beautiful hair, her politics are quite good. She wants Ukraine to become member state of European Union and also at the same time against Russia. She ...

10 Foto Iran Sebelum Revolusi 1979 (Bagian 2)

10 Foto Iran sebelum Revolusi 1979 (bagian 2): 1. Dua perempuan muda menyukai kemiripan mereka dengan beberapa artis Iran di Teheran, Iran pada 1956. 2. Para warga Teheran menikmati berjalan-jalan di sepanjang jalur komersial yang sibuk di Teheran pada 1950-an. 3. Seorang perempuan penjahit muda sedang sibuk bekerja di salah satu toko di Teheran, Iran pada 1956. 4. Para siswa sekolah selama kunjungan Perdana Menteri Prancis di Iran pada Mei 1968. 5. Mahasiswa Iran menghadiri kuliah yang ditawarkan oleh U.S. Information and Education Service pada 1951. 6. Gadis-gadis muda Iran menunggu di luar perpustakaan U.S. Information and Education Service pada 1951. 7. Para mahasiswa perempuan di Universitas Teheran sedang belajar pada 1977. 8. Salon rambut di Teheran, Iran pada 1977. 9. Para perempuan Iran sedang berdemonstrasi melawan penggunaan jilbab pada 1979. 10. Seorang perempuan mencoba mendekati Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (paling kanan) pada perayaan 2500 tahun monarki Persia. Source/...