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Facebook Doesn't Have This Feature Yet and It's Annoying

Ugh, Facebook does not yet have a feature to add or remove a post from an album. So posts that are in an album will remain in the album, we cannot remove them, the same goes for posts outside the album. This is so annoying for me. The most we can do is move posts that contain photos from one album to another, that is if there is only one photo, if there are more, we can't. So there will be a lot of misclassification if it's like this. I have misclassified many of my posts, it sucks. I have tried several times to move some posts from some albums to another but these posts contain more than one photo. I tried deleting the other photos, leaving only one so it could be moved, when I tried the post disappeared but the photo was moved. I don't like it. Because the post disappeared, the reactions and comments are lost, they will not be moved to the photo. I don't like it when reactions and comments disappear. 

Pengantar Untuk Feminisme

F eminisme adalah serangkaian gerakan dan ideologi sosial-politik yang bertujuan untuk mendefinisikan dan membangun kesetaraan politik, ekonomi, pribadi, dan sosial dari jenis kelamin. Secara historis, feminisme berawal dari analisis kritis tentang ketidaksetaraan antar jenis kelamin, sekarang feminisme mempunyai fokus yang lebih jauh yang bernuansa pada konstruksi sosial dan performatif gender dan seksualitas, artinya feminisme bersifat kompleks. Feminisme secara umum berorientasi dan berfokus pada perjuangan perempuan untuk melawan patriarki dan supremasi lelaki.  Simbol Gerakan Perempuan juga simbol untuk feminisme radikal, yang terdiri dari simbol astronomi dan astrologi planet Venus, juga dikenal sebagai simbol dewi Romawi Venus, dan kepalan tangan, simbol gerakan "kekuatan" tahun 1960-an dan awal 1970-an. Feminisme menggabungkan posisi bahwa masyarakat memprioritaskan sudut pandang laki-laki atau bersifat patriarkis dan bahwa perempuan diperlakukan tidak adil dalam masy

Hello, World!

Hello, World!   I am Sofia Florina adn welcome to my Blogger blog. I come from Indonesia. This is my first article in this blog.   I created this blog on 18 November 2021. In this blog I like to write about many things, some articles may contain NSFW contents such as nudity or erotica. Hope this is understandable, generally I write for educational, documentary and scientific purposes. I will mainly write articles in Indonesian. I live in Indonesia and my articles are generally aimed at my Indonesian audience so I will mainly use Indonesian.  Thank you to all of you who have read my first article. Blessed be. Love has no limits. Stay connected with the world! UwU <3