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Yulia Tymoshenko is My Only Favourite Ukrainian Politician

When talking about Ukraine, In particular Ukrainian politics, I will always remember Yulia Tymoshenko, the former Prime Minister of Ukraine (2005, 2007-2010). I like her, not primarily because of her politics but because of her iconic beautiful blonde hair, very attractive. I love her crown braid hairstyle, it's wrapped around the top of her head. She and her hair are inseparable, making her appearance very recognizable in Ukrainian politics. She knows how to be a politician and also a fashion icon at the same time, I like it (I want that too hehe). Just look at how thick her braids are, they definitely need special care. She is like a queen, her braid is like a tiara on her head. She is originally a brunette but then she changed her hair to blonde, becoming like an angelic figure. I need to learn how to do her hairdo. Apart from her beautiful hair, her politics are quite good. She wants Ukraine to become member state of European Union and also at the same time against Russia. She ...

I Want to Meet 'Barbie' Someday

Guys, I want to talk about Barbie but this Barbie is a bit different. If you know what kind of Barbie is this, better to stay quiet. I'm not talking about that film which is trending now, I haven't even watched the film yet, I'll watch it later. That film is good I think.

Barbie is strong and can cures your problems, more specifically, making you think that you don't have a problem. 'Barbie' is so strong if you want to feel calm or really calm. It can relieve your stressfulness, anxiety, false perception of something or even difficulty to calm down.

Very little of her is enough to make us close our eyes and forget about our problems but she can makes another problem. Of course we don't want to have a problem with some people just because of her. Barbie can make us too 'calm' if we see too much of her so be careful, prepare yourself.

Many people have met Barbie, either because they really need her or not. Because Barbie's strength is so strong, not everyone can meet her. So many people have met Barbie for the wrong purposes. So, only those who really need Barbie can meet Barbie, please remember this guys.

Guys, if you want to meet Barbie, meet Barbie because you need her. I don't think I want to meet her because I don't need her, maybe someday, and I hope I don't need her. Think many times if you want to meet her or more specifically, to 'try' her because you will probably meet her again and again.

If you have met Barbie a few times you probably won't be able to not meet her again. Barbie's strength and of course her attractiveness have made you obsessed with her, she has affected you. It's very hard not to meet her again, you might get in trouble with some people.

Meeting Barbie is difficult, that's why many people meet her secretly or illegally. Barbie has no problem meeting anyone but she is often been misused by many people. That's why it's difficult to meet her officially. Poor her because she is often misused.

If you have a hard time getting to sleep then meet Barbie. Barbie can makes you sleep so fast, she can make you sleep long, long, even too long. So yeah, be careful with her. You know what it means to sleep too long, right? You don't need Barbie actually if you just want to sleep.

Barbie doesn't have to be in pink color, she can be red, yellow, blue or purple. This Barbie has never been associated with the color pink in particular. But still, Barbie is Barbie although she has many names. I don't make it obvious so you can understand what I mean.

That's my little story about Barbie, if you know you know. I'll write about the real Barbie later. I can tell you what kind of Barbie is this but you need to stay QUIET. Don't depend on Barbie, she won't love you but you'll always love her. If you're healthy you don't need Barbie so stay healthy my friends! 


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