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Facebook Doesn't Have This Feature Yet and It's Annoying

Ugh, Facebook does not yet have a feature to add or remove a post from an album. So posts that are in an album will remain in the album, we cannot remove them, the same goes for posts outside the album. This is so annoying for me. The most we can do is move posts that contain photos from one album to another, that is if there is only one photo, if there are more, we can't. So there will be a lot of misclassification if it's like this. I have misclassified many of my posts, it sucks. I have tried several times to move some posts from some albums to another but these posts contain more than one photo. I tried deleting the other photos, leaving only one so it could be moved, when I tried the post disappeared but the photo was moved. I don't like it. Because the post disappeared, the reactions and comments are lost, they will not be moved to the photo. I don't like it when reactions and comments disappear. 

Everyone Can Be Famous on Internet!

Personally, I love to know people who were nothing before and become famous for something they have been doing with consistency. Their consistency made them famous. It's not really always about their contents. Their contents can be not good, unpleasant, stupid or whatever but the most important thing is their consistency.

A screenshot from the video "Me doing nothing" of an American YouTuber "Magibon". This video is uploaded on 2 July, 2006. She became famous because almost all of her videos only show her staring at the camera, sometimes she talk in Japanese language. Her last video on YouTube was uploaded on 19 November, 2014 and currently active on Instagram or Twitch but only sometimes.

According to my thoughts, all humans are humans with their uniqueness and their uniqueness will make them famous if they want to always maintain their uniqueness and if they want to be famous too. If we want to be famous we must have a strong will to be famous and we must have our own uniqueness. Famousness is for you who really want to be famous.

Maintaining our uniqueness is not really easy and we may face so many hatreds, dislikes, mockeries, insults or rejections. We must ready for that all and it's completely normal if we will feel sad or inferior or even getting depressed. We may have suicidal thoughts and it's...not good. There are people who don't want us to be famous.

I will give hugs for them famous people on internet who have survived from hatreds, dislikes, mockeries, insults or rejections. Haters may don't know about our backgrounds and 'real' life situation. There are 8 billion people in this world, if people like you there will be people who hate you, if people hate you there will be people like you.

Don't be afraid to be famous, don't be awkward to say that you want to be famous. If you want to be famous you will be famous, make something and be consistent on that. We have internet now, use it and become famous with your own uniqueness! You can be a blogger or streamer or writer or whatever on so many platforms like YouTube, Twitch, TikTok, etc.

There is one more thing, be honest. Be honest to yourself and be honest on internet. That's what we lack now especially on the internet, honesty. For example, old YouTubers or people who have become famous on YouTube before...let's say before 2017, are more honest than now, this might be too subjective but old YouTubers seemed to be more innocent than now.

Some famous late 2000s and early 2010s YouTubers.

Okay, we use internet to work, to get money, to be famous but always be honest. If you can't say something about yourself or your life you simply don't have to say it but don't lie. Even your fans or lovers will turn to hate you and it's not good. At the end of the day, it's not about money you have made but your interaction or connection with internet through your contents.

I hope you can get inspiration from this. Support yourself if you want to be famous! You can be famous if you have internet! Be consistent on making contents on internet but don't force yourself, just be slow at first, be softcore at first then you can be hardcore later. Everyone can be famous on internet!


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